
Marél von Steinling

Marie-Gabrielle Freifrau Spies von Büllesheim
née Freiin von Steinling zu Boden und Stainling
(*16. Juni 1933 in Eichstätt /Bavaria) is an artist - known as ''MARÉL''.
2006 she received the Bundesverdienstkreuz (Federal German Order of Merit in the name of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany)  for her art as well as her cultural and caritative contributions.
She lives in the Castle Metternich near Bonn since 1960.

Table of Contents:
1. Family
2. Life and Work
3. Press
4. Exhibitions
5. Links





Marél von Steinling,
Daughter of Friedrich Baron von Steinling, a bavarian lawyer (Oberregierungsrat der bayr. Staatsregierung) and Johanna née Baroness Hoenning O'Carroll, a professional artist, descends from von Steinling zu Boden und Stainling, a family of old nobility (Uradel) from Steinpfalz (Bavaria) with the ancestral seat Schloss Steinling in the community of Edelsfeld near Sulzbach-Rosenberg.

Marél v. Steinling

Artist's studio



   The Barons v. Steinling zu Boden und Stainling are a family of old nobility from Steinpfalz. The ancestral seat (Stammhaus) is Schloss Steinling in the community Edelsfeld near Sulzbach-Rosenberg (Oberpfalz/Bavaria). The male lineage is extinct. Edelsfeld belongs to the former Duchy of Neuburg-Sulzbach und dessen 'Gericht Parkstein' (see link Edelsfeld); since1777 it was part of the Electorate of Bavaria. For centuries the *Hofmarken Steinling, Boden und Edelsfeld* were owned by the Barons v. Steinling zu Boden und Stainling. After 1803 the possessions became fief to the Church.

   The family resided in Bavaria, Hesse and Franconia and until the 16th Century were represented in the *Nürnberger Patriziat,* there under the name Steinlinger. In the 15. Century Lutz Steinlinger wrote the "Nürnberger Baumeisterbuch"; as its mayor.

   In the 19. and 20. Century three Friedrich von Steinling's - (father, son, and grandson of the same name) - were renown bavarian generals; lastly, Friedrich von Steinling, who died 1915 as General der Cavallerie und Commandant von München. Another branch of the family stood in  Hessian Service; lastly, Christian v. Steinling (died in 1862) as Minister of the Military of Hessen-Darmstadt.

Coat of arms Barons v. Steinling zu Boden und Stainling

   The family became extinct 1984 after the death of the last male descendent Friedrich VI .

Coat of arms (Wappen): A striding black cock with a gold background on three green hills / with a helm on the shield.

Live and Work

   Marél von Steinling studied from 1954 until 1958 at the the Academy of Fine Arts (Akademie der bildenden Künste) in Munich, including painting with Professor Erich Glette and sculpturing with Professor Heinrich Kirchner. Additionally she took a training in the pedagogy of the arts. Already as a young artist she had exhibitions worldwide, - see description of the exhibition in the Bois de Boulogne, Paris.

  On the 30th of June 1960 she married Franz-Leo Freiherr Spies von Büllesheim, with whom she had six children. The husband of the artist, Franz Leo Baron Spies v. Büllesheim, fled after 1945 with his early widowed mother and his younger siblings from the Estate Planiowitz in Silesia (Schlesien), where his great-grandfather Franz v. Ballestrem, who had been the 1. Reichstagspräsident, had lived - to the Rheinland to the quite damaged Castle Metternich (historical note: Neue Züricher Zeitung), which belonged to relatives, and which he and his wife then restored examplarily and with great care for many years. It has become a jewel of the ancient monuments in North-Rhine-Westfalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen). Since then she lives with her family in the Castle Metternich near Bonn.

   1962, only 29 years old, she received an offer of a position by Professor Gerhard Gollwitzer at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, / Academy of Fine Arts, which she could not accept because of the imminent birth of her second son, Stephan Spies v. Büllesheim - (currently lawyer in Dresden, Stadtrat a.D / former Dresden-Neustadt, - Officer of the German Maltese Order at the Vatican / Vertreter des deutschen Malteser-Ordens beim Vatikan). Already during her studies she repeatedly had exhibitions in one of the (formerly) most well known German art galleries, Galerie Karin Hielscher (Links to this art gallery), - which had gained international importance for providing talented artists, who had been suppressed during the 3. Reich (1933 - 1945) as "degenerate art" (entartete Kunst), a supportive forum. See letter of the gallerist Karin Hielscher - concerning the offer of a position at the Academy of the Fine Arts (Prof. Gollwitzer / Akademie der Künste) of Stuttgart - to the father of the artist, Friedrich von Steinling.

   While raising her children Marél von Steinling still pursued artisitic activities. Initiated by the president of the German Parliament (Bundestagspräsidentin) , social democrat Annemarie Renger, at that time, one of her paintings was acquired by the Bundestag Bonn (Collection of the German Parliament ("Sammlung Deutscher Bundestag") / Inventar-Nr. K - 01896 / see: Bild / Marél von Steinling nowe in the parliament building, Reichstagsgebäude, in Berlin).

   She and her husband repeatedly make the Castle Metternich available to host, among others, scientific conferences of the "Bonner Kreis" ("BK") (student association founded after World War II for the advancement of the arts and sciences) - or youth concerts (Metternicher Burg-Konzerte).

   On the 12th of September 2006 she was honoured with the Federal German Order of Merit Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande (Doc. 1) / Doc. 2) for her art work and her related social commitment, especially her preference to make her paintings available to exhibitions whose proceeds flow to caritative uses.

   Her work consists mainly of still life, landscape, and religious as well as abstract paintings, whereby the so-called 'Marél blue' ("Marél Blau") became her trademark. As portraitist she represents a late impressionistic style. She portrays people unembellished and with much character somewhat reminiscent of the style of the late Renoir. Her religious, partly abstract, paintings are of shocking impressiveness, quite unsentimental and inspired by the artistic audacity of a "modern Matthias Gruenewald".
(German religious Modern Art / Sakral-Kunst der Gegenwart).

   On account of raising six children and the constant care of and renovations to the Castle and Park of Metternich she was unable, for many years, to establish a presence in the media necessary for a career, and to become known to a wider audience. Her two new exhibitions 2005 have enabled her to reconnect to her earlier successes, rediscovered by surprised experts and an informed public - similar to the very famous pianist Clara Haskil, who became well known at an old age, or the great american painter "Grandma Moses", who began her world career when she was 70 years old. Her next exhibitions will be in North-Rhine-Westfalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen).

March/April 2008 : Inclusion in the Great German Art Encyclopedia / das grosse ALLGEMEINE KÜNSTLER-LEXIKON / AKL (K. G. Saur Verlag / de Gruyter Berlin/New York - formerly THIEME-BECKER)






"Vogtland-Anzeiger" (June, July and October 2005 - Gerd Stoppa)
"Stimme des Herrn" / Bistums-Zeitung ("Voice of the Lord" / Clerical Press, Saxionia), June, July, October and 11.12.2005
"Plauener Zeitung" (17. October 2005)
"Sächsische Zeitung" (23. November and 20. December 2005)
"Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten" (6.December 2005 - Thorsten Klaus)
Heike Nickel: ''Die diskrete Kunst der Marél von Steinling'', in: Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, 24.12.2005
"Malteser Magazin" (Nr. 5 / 5. December 2005 S. 38)




  • among others, 1962: Munich, formerly Galerie Karin Hielscher, Galeriestr. 6 (Currently: Galerie Bartsch & Chariau)
  • Rosenheim, Club of Art / Kunstverein Rosenheim (Sole axhibition)
  • 1970: Paris, Jardin du Luxembourg, Orangerie, Musée du Luxembourg (well known international exhibition of four important new artists)
  • 1977: Bogotá, Museo del Arte de la Universidad National de Columbia,,Students Union Building, Exhibition Hall of University, (Sole exhibition)
  • 1977: Bogota, Galeria Mira, Avenida 82 / No 11-18 (Sole exhibition, aquarelle)
  • Bonn, Bavarenhaus
  • 1996: Paris, 8e Grand Marché d' Art contemporain, Bois de Boulogne, 103, Rue de la Folie Méricourt,
    Organizer: Chambre Européenne pour l' economie et les finances, 31, Rue de la Procession, 75015 Paris
  • 2005: Plauen, Deutsche Bank, supported by Kulturwerk (now "Kulturstiftung" / Foundation for Culture) of the Deutsche Bank Frankfurt a. M (Sole exhibition). All proceeds from the sale of the art postcards went to pay off the renovation loan of the Malteser-Kinderhaus. Plauen / House of Children, Maltese social Institution, Germany
  • 2005: Dresden, Dresdner Bank (historical main building), Dr.-Külz-Ring 10 (Einzelausstellung) -
    All proceeds from the sale of the art postcards went again to pay off the renovation loan of the Malteser-Kinderhaus / Maltese.House of Children (with integration of hadycapped children)
  • 2006: Euskirchen near Bonn, Participation in the exhibition of the"Hospizdienst" (Social Service) "Wenn der Tod unser Leben berührt"




* Entry in Artnews (self portrait / Selbstportrait) / Internet Künstlerlexikon / internet enzyclopdia of artists
* Inclusion in Great German Art Encyclopedia of Artists (ALLGEMEINES
   KÜNSTLER-LEXIKON / AKL, formerly "Thieme-Becker")

* Homepage Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon / AKL
* Internet-Kulturportal / MARÉL ---

Links about Galerie Karin Hielscher

* Central Institute of History of Art , Munich
  (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, München - OPAC
* Literature about Karin Hielscher
* State Archieve / Staatsarchiv D - Freiburg im Breisgau -D 98/1 Nr. 8.,
* Central IArchiive of Internat. Art Trade / Zentralarchiv des internat. Kunsthandels - SK954
* Galerie Hielscher - Museum of Arts, Basle / Kunstmseum Basel / Emil Nolde
* American Abstract Artists Jahr 1950
* Dissertation "New Approaches" ("Neue Wege") - page.167ff
* Dissertation "Animal Sculpture 20. Century" ("Tierplastik im 20. Jhd.") - page.104ff -
   Wkipedia about Heinz Theuerjahr
* University of Melbourne - Guide to Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack Papers
   Wikipedia about Ludwig Hirschfeld Mack
* Hielscher's engagement for artists after 1945, who where discriminated (1933 - 45, so
  called "degenerated art" / "entartete Kunst") while 'Hitler's 3.Reich': Biographie Friedrich
// Wikipedia about Friedrich Ludwig
* Galerie Hielscher / Hermann Teuber contra / against NS-Diktatur




More Links

* Spies von Büllesheim
* Gut / Estate Planiowitz







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